History and partnerships
The stages of the creation and development of your Laboratory
In a few key points
Our history
Calnesis is a private R&D laboratory founded in 2015 by two doctors in physical chemistry: Mickaël Simond and Jean-Claude NEYT. They won the I-LAB innovative technology business creation competition in 2014 from French Ministry of Research. Calnesis is supported by many public actors: BPI France, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Clermont Auvergne Metropolis and Clermont Auvergne University.
Our job
Calnesis performs research and development services in the field of physics and chemistry, maily for industrial or academic customers. As the analysis of physico-chemical properties is a cross-cutting issue, Calnesis is involved in multiple sectors of activity: chemical, oil, gas, pharmaceutical, building, energy, food industry, etc.
Why did you create Calnesis?
We created Calnesis based on the observation that most of the experimental equipment used in public physical chemistry laboratories can be used for industrial projects. The creation of Calnesis was therefore an opportunity to facilitate industrial access to this unique know-how and to techniques at the cutting edge of fundamental research.
Why the name Calnesis?
The name of the company Calnesis is a contraction of “CALorimetry” and the names of the Company founders, “NEyt” and “SImond”. Why an “s” at the end ? Because “-esis” suffix is denoting action or process and it is what we do for you!
Partnership with ICCF
Calnesis has a privileged partnership with the Institute of Chemistry of Clermont-Ferrand (ICCF). This laboratory housed the company’s activities until 2020, and still today allows Calnesis to rent experimental equipment to perform certain measurement and analysis services. Also, various instrument development projects are carried out jointly with ICCF researchers.