Roughness measurement

Do you want to characterize the roughness of your solid samples? Calnesis perform this type of measurement, in particular by optical profilometry.

The roughness of a surface is a morphological characteristic. It has a unit of length which corresponds to the characteristic depth of the ridges furrowing its surface.

Some examples of roughness of common materials

The table below shows some average roughness values ​​for everyday materials:

polished mirror0-1 micron
planed wood10-20 microns
bare steel50-100 microns
Asphalt100-500 microns
Gross cement1000 microns

How is roughness measured?

The roughness is determined by calculation from surface profiles measured by 2D or 3D optical profilometry.

Other measurements
Measurement of the porosity of samples carried out for all types of solids (powder, etc.)
Study of the granulometry of samples. Techniques adapted to different particle sizes.
Study by profilometry 2D or 3D of the surface of samples